Hive Digital


Read the latest news on analytics and tracking.  If a visitor lands on your site, and you don’t have any tracking… does it matter?  Marketing is the science of influencing user behaviour to meet specific goals…  to be able to effectively influence user behaviour, you have to understand current user behaviour.

AdWords Top of Page Bid

Google AdWords Adds Top of Page Bid Estimates

Google announced yesterday that they are adding a new metric to the AdWords online account management interface. The metric shows the estimated bid it would ...
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Google Analytics Updates How Sessions are Tracked

Last week, the Google Analytics Team announced it was modifying how they track sessions.  This change will not affect your historical data, rather, it will ...
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Why are There Conversion Discrepancies Between Google AdWords and Analytics?

Whether trying to make decisions about account optimization or trying to generate accurate reports for clients, one of the most frustrating and disconcerting anomalies occurs ...
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Understanding the Google +1 Button and AdWords

As you may have noticed by now, if you are logged in to Google while searching using Google, +1 icons now appear not only by ...
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Firebug Logo

Firefox Loses a Big Developer to Chrome – Firebug Creator Going to Google

John J. Barton, the creator of Firebug, announced he is going to work developing the next generation of web dev tools for Google. In my ...
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Exploring Analytics AdWords Traffic Reports: Placements

This is part of a series on the new Analytics AdWords Traffic Reports. We’re looking at insights provided by the new AdWords section under Traffic ...
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Exploring Analytics AdWords Traffic Reports: Campaigns & Keywords

This is the second of a multi-part series. We’re looking at insights the new AdWords section under Traffic Sources in Google Analytics that go beyond ...
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