Understanding the Google +1 Button and AdWords

As you may have noticed by now, if you are logged in to Google while searching using Google, +1 icons now appear not only by every organic search result, but also next to each paid search ad. What does a click on +1 next to one of your ads do? In brief: +1 is...

Using Google Analytics to Track Social Networks

Ran Nir at econsultancy.com has posted a great, easy-to-follow tutorial on how to track links to your site (or your clients’ sites) from social media sites.For professional, proven results with your social media campaigns, check out Virante.

On Click Pixel Tracking

One of the most common methods of tracking conversions and visits is through “Pixel Tracking”. Essentially, a single pixel image is included on a page that, when triggered, gives the user some form of cookie or results in his/her her browser IP / user-agent / etc....