Remove Images from Google

Remove Images from Google

Dissemination of information, whether it be text, images, videos or something else entirely, is seamless in the ever-connected world in which we live. Everyone has a smartphone, tablet, computer or some other device that can access the Internet. An unfortunate side...
Google Updated Penguin, Finally

Google Updated Penguin, Finally

The Penguin algorithm has been part of the lives of online marketers since early 2012 when the first iteration was unleashed and decimated an industry rife with easily repeatable spam. When Google updated Penguin for the first time, it hit many webmasters who utilized...
Penguin Preparedness Guide

Penguin Preparedness Guide

Penguin, the one word that has struck fear into any SEO’s heart. Since the first iteration of Google’s Penguin algorithm in April 2012, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization has changed for all verticals. Gone are the days of comment spam, article...

PageRank’s Slow, Inevitable Demise

At one point in time, PageRank was the end-all when it came to determining a website’s validity, health, and overall value in a back-link profile. Every SEO from here to Antarctica boasted the ability to get links on “HIGH PR DOMAINS”. Unfortunately...