The Power Pair: Combining Search Ads & Social Media Ads
When social media and search ads are used together, their combined impact can be exponential.
Holiday Prepping for Social Channels
The holiday season is busy for everyone, brands and buyers included. Between visiting friends and family, the holiday season is also one of the biggest ...
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Social Trends, Should You?
Today’s digital marketing strategy looks different than it has in years past, social media has become an integral part of marketing strategies for businesses of ...
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Meta to Delete Thousands of Audience Categories from Facebook and Instagram Ads
In a move newly announced in their Meta for Business blog post, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram shared their intent to remove thousands ...
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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Facebook Campaigns
Facebook is a great way to reach your target audience, but it is important to implement your Facebook campaigns correctly. It can be easy to ...
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The Impact Digital Marketing is having on Traditional Marketing
If you have been on the internet in the past five years, you probably have noticed an increase in advertising. Every page you visit and ...
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Facebook Ads or Google Adwords: Which is Right for Your Business?
For years now, many businesses have chosen to run advertisements on Facebook’s social network, or Google’s search and display network. In a way, common knowledge ...
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6 Ways To Market with Vine
“6 seconds? What can you market in 6 seconds?” Those are usually the first two questions I receive after telling a client to use Vine ...
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LinkedIn Groups Versus Company Pages
I have been receiving one question quite often lately: What is the difference between a LinkedIn Company Page and a LinkedIn Group? Both of these ...
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How blogging generates business
It’s no secret that having an online presence is the best way to reach your target audience. Knowing how to accurately reach them though is ...
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How Netflix Changed the Face of Content Marketing
Before Netflix became the media giant it is today, CEO Reed Hastings did what no other streaming service had done before. Instead of only investing ...
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Social Media Successes: Atlanta Hawks
Winning cures all. The statement holds true in some respects, but none more certain than with social media. Whether it’s sports or SEO, if your ...
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The #Rules of Hashtags
Once used as just a way to build traction through your Twitter, Instagram, or other social media accounts, hashtags have now grown to the point ...
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