Hive Digital


Did you Receive a Reconsideration Request Feedback Form from Google?

Reconsideration Request Survey from Google Search Quality Team We had a penalty lifted two weeks ago and received a message from Google requesting the Site ...
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How to Submit a Reconsideration Request

How do I Submit a Reconsideration Request? What follows is our step-by-step guide on the proper process by which to upload a reconsideration request to your Google Webmaster ...
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Getting Highly Optimized Content from Outsourced Content Creation

Admit it – you and me and most everyone you know outsources some of their “SEO” content. It is the textual content that needs to ...
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Authorshipocalypse! The Great Google Authorship Purge Has Begun

December 2013: Authorship in Search Results Gets Restricted UPDATE 21 January 2013: I have now published results of my study detailing who lost Google Authorship ...
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Google Penguin Hunting: An Interview with Russ Jones, CTO of Virante

At Pubcon this October, John Rampton of Search Engine Journal interviewed Russ Jones, CTO of Virante, about how to Penguin-proof a website. The Google Penguin ...
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Negative SEO and Link Removals: Interview with Virante’s Jacob Bohall

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