Million Dollar Answer Boxes

Million Dollar Answer Boxes

We all hate them (if you don’t, your vote doesn’t count), but they are here to stay: answer boxes. Answer boxes are one of Google’s more controversial methods of taking content from webmaster sites and displaying it directly in their search results....

The End of Doorway Pages

Google recently updated their post on doorway pages and released a blog post detailing those changes as well. There are many names for this particular brand of black-hat SEO; bridge, portal, or gateway pages, more commonly known as doorway pages, are typically created...

How to Submit a Reconsideration Request

How do I Submit a Reconsideration Request? What follows is our step-by-step guide on the proper process by which to upload a reconsideration request to your Google Webmaster Tools account. It may seem like a daunting task at first, however, this is one of the easiest...