Does PR Support SEO?

Does PR Support SEO?

SEO and PR Go Hand In Hand Search Engine Optimization and Public Relations go together like two best friends. They’re different in having content for different audiences. SEO focuses on creating optimized content for search engines like Google while PR focuses on...
How Paid Advertising Complements SEO

How Paid Advertising Complements SEO

Paid Advertising or SEO: Boost One, Boost Them All It is far too common that PPC efforts and SEO efforts are managed independently instead of in conjunction with one another in an integrated way—and as such, brands that silo the two sets of initiatives often miss out...
Canonical Attachments in WordPress

Canonical Attachments in WordPress

While working on a client project, I realized they had a significant number of PDF files that they had uploaded into wordpress, and this was creating some issues in organic search results. Most notably, many PDFs were outranking or replacing their post/page...
How to Export/Import Redirects

How to Export/Import Redirects

Do you want to know how to export redirects from the WordPress Redirection plugin? Login to your “old” wordpress install and select redirection from the Tools menu. Select “modules” from the top navigation bar Select CSV or .htaccess from the...

Hiring an SEO and Avoiding Scams

In handling the majority of sales and customer service for Hive Digital since 2007, I’ve had the joy of listening to thousands of stories about other SEO agencies, link building services, paid search optimizers, rank-quick-rich schemes… you name it. Almost...