Benefits of Evergreen Content

Benefits of Evergreen Content

The root system of a website would be the service pages & unique selling points (USP), which breathe life into all parts of the website through driving organic traffic and conversions. Keeping evergreen content within your website is an oftentimes overlooked...
Panda Risk

Panda Risk

After careful consideration, we’ve decided to decommission as a self-serve tool.  The Google Panda update targets low-quality websites identified using a machine learned algorithm.  At the time of launch, utilized the seed questions...
Canonical Attachments in WordPress

Canonical Attachments in WordPress

While working on a client project, I realized they had a significant number of PDF files that they had uploaded into wordpress, and this was creating some issues in organic search results. Most notably, many PDFs were outranking or replacing their post/page...
TWIL: Expires Headers in .htaccess for Fonts and Images

TWIL: Expires Headers in .htaccess for Fonts and Images

Credit: The Hangover[/caption] This Week I Learned about Expires Headers This week I learned (TWIL) is a weekly installment containing tidbits our team has learned about search engine optimization, PPC / AdWords, social media marketing, and other aspects of Internet...
Google Updated Penguin, Finally

Google Updated Penguin, Finally

The Penguin algorithm has been part of the lives of online marketers since early 2012 when the first iteration was unleashed and decimated an industry rife with easily repeatable spam. When Google updated Penguin for the first time, it hit many webmasters who utilized...
How to Export/Import Redirects

How to Export/Import Redirects

Do you want to know how to export redirects from the WordPress Redirection plugin? Login to your “old” wordpress install and select redirection from the Tools menu. Select “modules” from the top navigation bar Select CSV or .htaccess from the...
Page Load Speed Pitfalls

Page Load Speed Pitfalls

Page load speeds are encountered with each new page that is accessed, regardless of the focal point of a particular search. There are individual elements to each web page that will be individually called, and loaded each time the next page is visited. The speed of a...
Local SEO Basics

Local SEO Basics

Does your business rely heavily on local customers? If so, search traffic may have changed for your website on July 24th, 2014, the day that Google released their Pigeon algorithm and in turn, changed how your website shows up in local search results. Local SEO may...
How to Write a Title Tag for a Webpage

How to Write a Title Tag for a Webpage

Title tags are strong indicators of the page content to search engines. They are also the first thing a potential site visitor sees when viewing the search engine results. To best satisfy both, the same set of best practices can be followed. Before getting into...