PageRank’s Slow, Inevitable Demise

At one point in time, PageRank was the end-all when it came to determining a website’s validity, health, and overall value in a back-link profile. Every SEO from here to Antarctica boasted the ability to get links on “HIGH PR DOMAINS”. Unfortunately...
Transparency in SEO

Transparency in SEO

Have you hired an SEO specialist to optimize your website for search engines? If so, one primary question you need to ask yourself is if the person or agency you hired is sending regular reports that show the work that they have done. Whether that is on-site or...
The Biggest Mistake You Are Making when Building Links

The Biggest Mistake You Are Making when Building Links

It happened again today. After helping a client build an amazingly effective natural, content-based link building strategy, links started pouring in and the complaints began. “The Page Authority isn’t high enough. The Domain Authority isn’t high...

Google’s Amazing Domain Diversity Metrics

I have always been intrigued by the organic search ecosystem. You can think of it like a marketplace where different sites come to life, grow, thrive, or die depending upon their performance. Like the natural ecosystem governed by physical laws, or the marketplace...

The Problem with Winner and Loser Analyses

It is inevitable that with the release of any major update from Google we will see the quintessential “winner vs loser” list and some speculation as to why certain sites topped the list and others faltered. While the approach is itself not flawed, the...

Google Search Console Delays: How Old is the Data?

Every link data set (Moz, Majestic, AHrefs, Webmeup, SEMRush, Bing and Google Search Console) have multiple delays – the natural delay between the time in which the bot revisits a page to find a link has been added or removed, and the unnatural delay between the...

New SEOAlarms Features – Disavow and Site Uptime

If you haven’t had a chance yet, go check out SEOAlarms. If you have, I wanted to let you know about 2 new features. SEOAlarms is based on a very simple concept – connect all your analytics and monitoring software into a single hub that notifies you when...
11 Minute Keyword Discovery

11 Minute Keyword Discovery

There are tons of great in-depth articles on keyword research across the web, but they all try to be comprehensive when most of us want “good-enough”. So, is there a Pareto Principle version of keyword discovery and research? Is there a way to get 80% of...
Million Dollar Answer Boxes

Million Dollar Answer Boxes

We all hate them (if you don’t, your vote doesn’t count), but they are here to stay: answer boxes. Answer boxes are one of Google’s more controversial methods of taking content from webmaster sites and displaying it directly in their search results....
Announcing Organic Traffic Volatility on SEOAlarms

Announcing Organic Traffic Volatility on SEOAlarms

Search rankings volatility has become a staple of search metrics. Leaders in the space including MozCast, SERPs Volatility Index, Algoroo, and SERPMetrics Flux all measure flux slightly differently but ultimately look at movement in the search results. SEOAlarms takes...

Stop Comment Spam

Over the past several years I’ve been involved in the Internet marketing community, one thing has really gotten under my skin: comment spam. Almost every back-link analysis I’ve performed has comment links in one form or another. Many of these links can be...