Bing Copying Google Results? So What!

The big buzz in the search world this week has been Google’s allegation that it caught Bing copying Google’s search results and using them on Bing. Microsoft at first seemed to deny the accusation, but later came out with a statement that rather...

Bob Dylan via Google Instant

Yesterday I wrote “How Will Google Instant Affect AdWords Paid Search?”  as a serious examination of how the new Google Instant Search feature might alter the importance of long tail keywords and ad position. Today, let’s just enjoy the fun of...

How Will Google Instant Affect AdWords Paid Search?

Moments ago, Google Instant search went live. If you don’t see it yet, it will roll out over the next few days. It appears to be a game changer. Google Instant gives you realtime organic (and paid) search results as you type in the search box at

FriendFeed Is Your SEO Friend

Just thought I’d pass along something I noticed since Caffeine (Google’s new search ranking algorithm) kicked in. I’m wondering if anyone else has seen this? The meat of what I’m going to share: feeding your site updates to FriendFeed may bring...

KGen Firefox Extension Shows Pages’ Potential Keywords

KGen is an extension for Firefox web browsers that displays the strongest keywords on a particular web page. Words on the page repeated more than once are ranked by “weight” (a user-tunable algorithm based on html tags and page placement), number of...

Google vs. Bing: Quo Vadis* Small Advertiser?

Fred Aun at reports an observation that Microsoft’s re-branded and overhauled search engine Bing seems to be going after “quality” rather than quantity of PPC ad displays. In a test of keyword searches, Bing consistently showed fewer (and...

The What, How & Who of Selecting an SEO Firm

From – Buying into SEO is a difficult process. Without at least a basic understanding of SEO, it’s really tough to tell the difference between someone who knows their stuff and someone who talks a great game without backing it up with...