How to Submit a Disavow File

How Do I Submit a Disavow File? If you have encountered an unnatural links penalty, it is necessary that you upload a disavow file to your Google Webmaster Tools account prior to submitting a reconsideration request. Even if you have not been hit with a manual...

The Future of SEOs – Tools and Technical

Brent Csutoras of Search Engine Journal interviews our very own Jake Bohall, VP of Marketing at Virante, Inc. Hive Digital! … during Pubcon in Las Vegas this past October 2014.   In the interview, Jake speaks on the topic of how the integration of SEO throughout...

Relative URLs vs. Absolute URLs – Does it matter?

Okay, so this post may come across a little rantish, but it needs to be said…. relative URLs SUCK for SEO.     I can’t even begin to count the number of times one of our crawlers gets stuck in an endless web of spidering a broken relative url that leads to...

Link Building Opportunity for Major Weather Websites

Just a few days ago on January 14th, a fast moving squall line moved through North Carolina producing tornadoes and significant disruption. I, like many of you, subscribe to services that text message us when there are weather alerts in the area. However, I...

Remove’em Innovates Again: 3rd Party Verified Removals

As many of you know, Remove’em is already up for the US Search Awards in the Innovation category. We were and remain to be the first and only full service – from link finding to link tracking to contact finding to email delivering to disavow building...