How to Get Started with Link Building

How to Get Started with Link Building

Link Building Starting Guide Link building, or the acquisition of hyperlinks pointing to your website, is simple. You heard me right. Link building is NOT difficult. However, there is so much misinformation and snake oil on the internet about link building, that it is...
The Secret Sauce For Digital Marketing: Scarcity

The Secret Sauce For Digital Marketing: Scarcity

If it’s hard to get, it must definitely be worth something. This is what scarcity tells us.  We attach more value to things that are few in quantity. We perceive things as more desirable when there’s a chance that we can’t acquire them anymore. We tend to want things...
Don’t Lose The Why: Understand ROI & Really Sell SEO

Don’t Lose The Why: Understand ROI & Really Sell SEO

People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it. Simon Sinek If you’re the salesperson at an agency, then you are in an unusual position where no one in the SEO industry is actually creating content for you, mostly because every freelancer, in-house...
SEO Basics: Long Tail SEO Strategies

SEO Basics: Long Tail SEO Strategies

Finding it hard to improve your click-through rate in search results? Struggling to find easy-to-rank search terms that can bring you more traffic and higher conversion rates? Three words: Long tail keywords. Basically, these are longer and more specific keyword...
Using HTML Tables To Win Bigger SERP Snippets

Using HTML Tables To Win Bigger SERP Snippets

When I was just a customer support representative for a hosting company, the sites we had created were essentially giant nested HTML tables. It would take 30 minutes to just move a logo a few inches because we weren’t yet using Divs and CSS, but relying on HTML...
Search Form Submission Spam

Search Form Submission Spam

Search form submission spam or search field submission spam can be an issue that plagues many websites, from WordPress sites to websites built on a custom CMS. Depending on how your on-site search function is built, it can be used to inject malicious scripts and code...