How Paid Advertising Complements SEO

How Paid Advertising Complements SEO

Paid Advertising or SEO: Boost One, Boost Them All It is far too common that PPC efforts and SEO efforts are managed independently instead of in conjunction with one another in an integrated way—and as such, brands that silo the two sets of initiatives often miss out...
Digital Marketing Tool Spotlight: iSpionage

Digital Marketing Tool Spotlight: iSpionage

iSpionage Successful digital marketing strategies are composed of several elements, one of which is competitive intelligence. What makes this element so important is that, in leveraging reliable competitive intelligence, an advertiser is empowered with actionable...
Paid Advertising 101: CPC

Paid Advertising 101: CPC

Cost-Per-Click (CPCs) Cost Per Click is the actual price you pay for each click. A click on one of your ads will register a cost towards your budget. For example, you will not be charged when an ad appears on the search results pages. The cost is only incurred when an...
Paid Advertising 101: Clicks

Paid Advertising 101: Clicks

Clicks A “click” represents each time a user clicks your ad, be it an ad on the search results page, another web page within your platform’s shopping or display network, or within a user’s social media feed. Not to be confused with “interactions”—which measures more...
Paid Advertising 101: Impressions

Paid Advertising 101: Impressions

Impressions Common Abbreviation: Impr. An “impression” represents each time your ad is shown, be it on a search result page, another web page within your platform’s ad network, or within a user’s social media feed. Each time the ad is displayed, the serving of the ad...
A Love Letter to Average Position

A Love Letter to Average Position

Dear Average Position (or AP, as I liked to call you), For so long, I overlooked you. I thought you were merely average, nothing more than an average of placements on SERPs. Yeah, I saw you down at the end of the platform, tucked away with your new friend Search...