Classic Misuse of Dynamic Keyword Insertion

From a search on Google for the keyword “ball cancer” (in the Sponsored Results column): Next time I’m looking to buy cancer balls, I’ll know where to go for the best deal! How does this happen? How could Google be showing me an ad for...

In Which I Go Negative on AdWords (in a Good Way)

(Reading hint: If you’re already familiar with the value of negative keywords in PPC advertising, skip to my last paragraph for my new suggestion.)Your mother and your favorite motivational coach will both tell you: negativity is a bad thing. However, when it...

Westward Ho! for Google Ads

We noticed yesterday a subtle change in the layout of Google search: the column of paid ads has been shifted into a fixed space, more to the left than they were before. Whereas previously the ads were aligned with the right edge of a fixed-width page, they now float...

Free Isn’t Always Best

Tested two ads for a client recently. One offered a stay at a resort for $19.95. The other offered it for free. $19.95 was the convincing winner. Go figure.Lesson learned: Don’t assume that giving something away will attract more people than selling it at a good...