How to Use AdWords Negative Keywords Lists

It’s no secret that negative keywords are one of the most powerful paid search marketing tools. By weeding out undesirable search terms, negative keywords can enable you to increase CTR and ROI by driving the right, pre-qualified traffic to your site. In many...

Are You Ready for Google Me?

A little bit of information began to leak this week about the long-rumored “Google Me” social network. Here’s what Chris Crum at had to say (in “‘Google Me’ is Probably Already Bigger than Facebook”): The main...

How Will Google Instant Affect AdWords Paid Search?

Moments ago, Google Instant search went live. If you don’t see it yet, it will roll out over the next few days. It appears to be a game changer. Google Instant gives you realtime organic (and paid) search results as you type in the search box at