Google Celebrates Orange Juice!

Google’s Doodle (homepage logo) for today celebrates the birthday of Albert Szent-Györgyi. He is credited with discovering vitamin C and its benefits. A glance up at the title of this blog will tell you why we couldn’t resist sharing this! Here’s the...

Virante Fashion Wear?

Nina, our Client Representative, sports the latest in coveted Virante bling: (Cue Price Is Right Announcer Voice:) “That’s right, Mark! These stylish earrings also double as 8GB USB flash drives! They have a handy swivel-style design that keeps your data...

Business Blogger Beware

Bloggeris a great, easy to use site for creating a personal blog. However, if you are planning to build a blog for business purposes, it is probably not your best choice, even to start out on. I just learned that Google does not allow Blogger sites to 301 redirect....

Website Launch Flowchart

This flowchart is a detailed guide that covers optimized website design, development and multichannel marketing integration. Web design doesn’t exist in a vacuum nor does marketing. The most optimized, easiest functioning and best performing sites are those that...

The What, How & Who of Selecting an SEO Firm

From – Buying into SEO is a difficult process. Without at least a basic understanding of SEO, it’s really tough to tell the difference between someone who knows their stuff and someone who talks a great game without backing it up with...