How Much Money Is Your Site Costing You?

I am always amazed when I see or hear about a company that spends their CPC dollars on an ad and pushed that traffic to their homepage. I was listening to a great podcast this morning where Seth Godin explained it in naked dollars and sense that makes it crystal...

Website Migration Checklist

The Website Migration Checklist will forever be “in progress” so add in items that I’ve missed by leaving a comment. At the end of the post is a link to download this checklist as a PDF if you want to print something out. Groundwork As early as...

Technical SEO is getting less technical

There are a lot of SEO’s that think having a technical background makes you a better all-around SEO, and I’m one of them. With that said, Google took a step forward today in making one small fragment of technical SEO a little bit easier for the...