Apture is a free* plugin for your blog or site that lets you build links to external sources with one click. More importantly, it allows visitors to view the content of those links without leaving your page, increasing reader time-on-site and enhancing visitor experience.

To see Apture in action, hover your mouse over the icons that appear next to the two linked words in the first paragraph above. The first is a simple link preview. It displays the Apture home page in a popup box. The second demos an embedded video link. The reader can view the complete video without leaving your page!

Once you’ve signed up and installed the plugin, be sure to check out the advanced settings. They allow you to activate the search bar you now see when you scroll this blog page. In addition to its convenient share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and email, the search bar allows your visitors to search any topic and see results from your own site, Google, and from Apture’s over 20 rich media partner sites, again without leaving your page.

But there’s one more incredibly powerful feature: readers can highlight any word or phrase on your page and search it through Apture! Try it out with any word in this post.

*Apture is free for sites with less than 5 million page views per month.