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We’ll dive right into your existing website or advertising account to determine where things are going right and where there can be improvement using industry leading tools and years of personal experience to target the most effective path for positive change.

Free SEO Tools
Many of these free tools have advanced versions that are accessible with a coupon code or payment. If this feature is available, you will be prompted for a code before you run the tool. Hive Digital also has advanced versions of these tools for in-house use and may be able to provide API access or custom features by request.
Onsite Optimization ToolsOffsite Optimization ToolsKeyword ToolsSEM ToolsMisc ToolsAdvanced Tools
Duplicate Content Tool
The most comprehensive web-based duplicate content tool available online. This tool checks 7 different common causes and effects of duplicate content to diagnose any current or potential duplicate content penalties.
WWW vs Non WWW Tool
Determine whether you should use the www. or non www version of your domain as the canonical version based on your external link profile.
LDA Content Optimizer
This tool determines your onTopic score for a particular URL and keyword. The tool then spiders your page and top ranking pages for that keyword to determine collocated terms that you have not included in your page. The tool then re-checks your LDA score if you were to include those keywords on your page to determine the potential increase in relevancy.
Second Page Poaching API
A free API for taking advantage of Hive Digital’s Second Page Poaching technique to lift long-tail terms from Page 2 to Page 1.
Duplicate Content Checker by Title Tool
Diagnosis non-standard duplicate content issues by brute-force checking of search engine results based on identical title tags.
Outbound Link Spam Detector
Determine if spammers have found a way to place commercial anchor text links on your site.
PageRank Recovery Tool
Many sites lose a lot of potential PageRank because sites link to incorrect URLs. This tool helps you find them and automatically generate the 301 redirects you need to recover that PageRank.
Link Atrophy Diagnostic Tool
Identify the rate of top link atrophy on your site. If your top links are being removed at a high pace, you won’t see positive rankings. Powered by SEOMoz Labs.
Link Depth Analysis
Compare a website’s link graph to Wikipedia’s based on the average hierarchical depth of the backlink source URLs.
Multiple Links Analysis
Compare a website’s link graph to Wikipedia’s based on the number of other links to the same domain on the backlink source pages.
Banned Sites Tool
Utilizing the brand new linkfromdomain: command in MSN, this tool finds the top 100 outbound links on your site and determines whether or not those sites are banned. If they are, it gives you the link to MSN where you can find exactly what pages on your site link to the banned domain!
Keyword Discovery Tool
A simple tool to find related keywords that are searched in Google based on Google Keyword Planner data.
Estimate Organic Traffic Value
This tool allows you to estimate organic traffic value utilizing the data from your Google Webmaster Tools account and the Grepwords API to calculate how much you would have to pay to purchase that same traffic from Google Adwords.
Keyword Misspelling and Mappings
Enter a keyword to find what other words and phrases are mapped with identical search results in Google.
Common Term Extraction Tool
A simple tool that extracts common terms and phrases from your document.
Delete Duplicates Tool
Enter in a huge list of keywords or data and immediately get back a list with duplicate entries removed.
AB Split Test Stats
Determine the statistical significance of your A/B split testing results.
Adwords Creatives Tool
Test your Adwords Creatives (advertisements) in advance.
HTTP Headers Check Tool
Enter the domains you wish to check, and receive the HTTP status codes in return.
Google Double Listing Demystifier
When a domain gets 2 or more listings in the top 10, Google automatically moves the second listing directly under the first with an indent. Unfortunately, you don’t know exactly where the 2nd listing ACTUALLY ranks. Is it vulnerable in position 10? Or does it really rank #4? Use this tool to find out!
HTML Pie Chart Tool
Easily the most difficult and coveted chart to get into HTML, this tool will help you generate an pie chart on-the-fly for your web site.
Clean IP Tool
Because your site can be associated with other sites sharing the same IP address, it is important to know how “clean” the content is of sites sharing your ip. Are they adult sites? Or Gambling Sites? This tool finds your ip and checks other sites that share the ip for a cross section of adult, gambling, and pharmaceutical terms which could damage your search rankings.
IP Address Finder Tool
Find the IP addresses of a list of several websites. Just list websites 1 per line. Analytics Link Data
Enter in a list of urls or a username, and get back click data from the past 6 months.
Merge CSVs
Merge and Remove Duplicates from CSVs of identical format.
Using a powerful statistical model of the English language, nTopic allows you to identify words and phrases that you should include in your content to boost topical relevancy and long tail traffic. nTopic is statistically proven to increase organic traffic.
OutreachApp finds contact information for websites and allows you to easily set up templated emails to manage your link building, PR or outreach campaigns. OutreachApp is the fastest, CAN-SPAM compliant way to reach webmasters across the web.
Survey thousands of real people using the Panda Questionnaire to determine if your site is vulnerable to the Panda algorithm.
It takes machine learning to beat machine learning. The PenguinAnalysis tool uses a gradient-boosting machine learned model to predict your site’s vulnerability to a Penguin update and make recommendations to lower that risk. There is no better tool on the web for predicting your risk.
From Discovery to Recovery, Remove’em allows you to automatically find bad links to your site, find their contact information, build disavow lists, handle email outreach and link removal tracking, and get your site back into Google’s good graces. Remove’em is the most comprehensive tool for penalty recovery, period.
Set up 80+ monitors for SEO automatically including analytics, ranking and link data. Get emailed automatically when things change substantially, freeing you to stop monitoring and start optimizing.